Current Projects
Full project title: Bio-Inspired Laser Functionalisation of complex 3D Industrial Surfaces
Program: Horizon Europe
Partners: Aimen | Fraunhofer IWU | Fusion Bionic GmbH | Supergrid Institute | Global Hydro Energy GmbH | Ziehl-Abegg SE | Altechna R&D | Southern European Cluster in Photonics & Optics Association
Project webpage:
Information: BILASURF aims at developing and integrating a process for high-rate laser functionalization of complex 3D surfaces using tailored designed bio inspired riblets to reduce friction and improve the environmental footprint of industrial parts | assuring a high throughput with the help of inline monitoring capabilities.
Full project title: New generation of offshore turbine blades with intelligent architectures of hybrid, nano-enabled multi-materials via advanced manufacturing
Program: Horizon 2020
Partners: National Technical University of Athens | Jules Verne Institute (Institut de Recherche Technologique Jules Verne) | Aimen | Fundación Cidec | Innovation in Research and Engineering Solutions | Ires | Sabella | IT Ainnova – Aragon Institute of Technology | Sense-in | Fraunhofer IFAM | University of Birmingham | University of Strathclyde | Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd | Haydale Composite Solutions Ltd | Aideas Ou | NEGI – Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering | BioG3D- New 3D Printing Technologies
Project webpage:
Information: Carbo4Power’s main objective is to develop a new generation of lightweight, high strength, multifunctional, digitalized multi-materials for offshore turbine rotor blades that will increase their operational performance and durability while reducing the cost of energy production, maintenance, and their environmental impact.
Full project title: Surface Technologies for all Electric Air Taxis
Program: Take Off
Partners: Rail Tec Arsenal Fahrzeugversuchsanlage GmbH | Peak Technology GmbH | Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Information: SELECT aims to develop and test surface technologies with advanced functions for ice protection and drag reduction for eVTOLs (electric vertical take-off and landing) to maintain flight safety in a wider range of icing conditions, to increase energy efficiency and performance, and to reduce noise emission of all-electric air taxis. The main subsystems that are targeted in SELECT are:(1) the passive Ice Protection System (IPS) to ensure reliable performance at low power demand, and (2) to reduce aerodynamic losses and noise emissions, maintaining high performance. The functional surface technologies will be developed targeted to the needs of the upcoming eVTOL applications.
Concluded Projects
Leitl, P., Flanschger, A., Rodriguez, A., Andergassen, A. (2024)
"Numerical investigation of the impact of different Riblet angles and their effect on drag reduction"
Conference: AIAA Aviation Forum And Ascend 2024
Leitl, P., Garcia de Albéniz, M., Flanschger, A., Robinson, G., Bogue, D. (2024)
"Numerical and experimental investigation of different Riblet layouts and their effect on the engine of a Stratos 716 X Business Jet"
Conference: AIAA Aviation Forum And Ascend 2024
Leitl, P., Flanschger, A., Reschenhofer, B., Gruber, R., Kurzthaler, M., Fleder, S., Lenartz, M., Neff, F., Hertz, C. (2024)
"Design and testing of Riblet film on a high-performance axial fan stage"
Conference: AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum
Garcia de Albéniz, M., Leitl, P., Flanschger, A. (2023)
"Numerical and experimental investigation of Riblet-Coating impact on centrifugal compressor stage performance"
Conference: ASME Turbo Expo 2023
Bilinsky, H.C., Quinn, M., McGrath, D., Whitelock, J., Poudyal, S., Bell, D., Leitl, P., Benauer, R., Feichtinger, Ch. (2023)
"Materials and Performance Testing of DCM Drag-Reducing Riblets for Aviation"
Conference: AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum
Flanschger, A., Heinzelmann, R., Messner, M. (2023)
„Between consultation and control: how incubators perform a governance function for entrepreneurial firms”
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. Vol. 36, 9, 86 – 107
Kohl, D., Tsuchihashi,H., Gruber, R., Pichler, K., Goto, Y., Garcia de Albeniz, M., Naito, K., Flanschger, A., Ichinose, G. (2023)
"Numerical and experimental investigation of Riblet application on a helicopter rotor blade"
Conference: AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum
Leitl, P., Feichtinger, Ch., Schatzdorfer, G., Flanschger, A. (2023)
"Numerical study of riblet defects and their impact on performance"
Leitl, P., Garcia de Albéniz, M., Smoker, J., Flanschger, A. (2023)
"Numerical and experimental investigation of different Riblet layouts on a Stratos 716 X business jet"
Conference: AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum